Objavljeno Feb 28, 2022
NOVO - Kimberly Ann Goguen ter Liam sta imela 27. februarja 2022 na radiu Krog bele svetlobe skorej 2,5 ure dolg intervju, v katerem sta pojasnila trenutno stanje mednarodnega gibanja Life Force ter obetov, povezanih z izvajanjem načrta miru in obnove tega planeta v sodelovanju z zakonitimi zbori, ki se ustanavljajo širom sveta. Če razumete angleško, ste vabljeni na poslušanje pogovora, kmalu pa bomo oddajo prevedli tudi v slovenski jezik > https://www.unitednetwork.news/content/detail/621c0c96dcded10015a4f72a/Circle-of-White-Light's-Alan-James:-Kimberly-and-Liam-2-27-2022

Too bad I couldn't watch this interview live, I was busy playing basketball stars at that time, but I will definitely watch it again because this interview means a lot to me.

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