Objavljeno Nov 26, 2015

Se obeta nov mnogo širši vojaški konflikt v Siriji med Turčijo in Rusijo? Katera stran laže in prireja podatke, kdo ima prav in brani svoje ljudi in strateške interese? Podajamo prevod dela članka German Economic News: 

Erdogan je pripravil vojsko na preži: "Šli bomo na pohod v Sirijo sami, če je to potrebno"
Turški predsednik Recep Tayyip Erdogan želi ukrepati sam, če bo to potrebno: dal je vojsko na prežo in z ZN je dosegel dogovor o tem. Morebitni ukrepi vključujejo vdor v Sirijo na tleh s turkmenistanskimi plačanci.
Turčija je poslala pismo ZN v torek popoldne. V njem je opisano, da je Turčija ogrožena. IS je - izhajajoč iz Sirskih tal - izvedel več napadov in napadov na prebivalstvo Turčije. Sirska vlada ni mogla preprečiti teh napadov iz svoje zemlje. V skladu z 51. členom Ustanovne listine Združenih narodov, hoče Turčija storiti vse, kar je mogoče, da se zagotovi varnost Turčije. Člen 51. poudarja pravico do samoobrambe. Glede na informacije iz Haberturk Erdogana, ki je dejal, da so razpostavili turško vojsko na prežo. "Življenja naših državljanov in naših meja je v nevarnosti. Če se zahteva našo nacionalno varnost, bomo ukrepati sami, če je to potrebno," je dejal Erdogan. Turški predsednik države je že prej dejal v govoru, da Rusija pod krinko boja proti IS pobija civiliste, zlasti Turkmence.
Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan wants to act alone if need be: He has put the army on alert and the UN reached agreement thereon. Potential measures include invasion to Syria with a ground force of Turkmen mercenaries. 

Turkey has sent a letter to the UN on Tuesday afternoon. In it she describes that the IS is a threat to Turkey. The IS has - starting from Syrian soil - carried out several attacks and attacks on the population of Turkey. The Syrian government had not been able to prevent these attacks from their soil. According to the article 51 of the UN Charter that Turkey would do everything possible to ensure the security of Turkey. The Article 51 emphasizes the right to self-defense. According to information from Haberturk Erdogan is said to have displaced the Turkish army on alert. "The lives of our citizens and our borders is in danger. If it requires our national security, we will act alone if necessary, "said Erdogan. The Turkish Head of State had previously said in a speech that Russia under the guise of IS-fighting civilians, in particular Turkmen, kill. 

Comment: Where is the evidence? 

This rhetoric suggests that the Turks after an invasion plan Syria with mercenaries. The Turkmen serve them here as an excuse - because in fact this group had neither the Russians nor the Syrian government ever have a problem. 

The Turkmen lawyer Ali Öztürkmen said in a recent interview that the main enemy of Turkmens of the IS was: "As the Turkmen were killed en masse in Rakka and Aleppo from the IS, it has no interest. Now it is claimed that the government forces would kill the Turkmens. This is not true. "Öztürkmen had the Turkish newspaper Aydinlik said that the Syrian army and Russia would not have it in for the Turkmens. "The Turkmen live mostly in the areas that are controlled by the Syrian army. In the remaining areas, which are being bombarded, there is the Al-Nusra Front. The Turkmen associations are not in this area. "In the ranks of the Syrian armythere are numerous high-ranking people in the Turkmen minority who identify despite their Turkish ethnicity with the Syrian government.Therefore, they are regarded as particularly loyal. Even the former defense minister Hasan Turkmani was Turkmen. He died in 2012 in an IS-stop. Last year, the IS captured several villages of the Turkmens. The men were killed and the women sold on the slave market, reported the news portal T24. Because of their ethnic origin, the Turkmens are particularly hated by the IS, because the IS spiritually belonged to the Wahhabism. Wahhabism was founded in the 19th century as reactionary religious movement against the Ottoman Empire and against the Turks. 

Comment: We suggest therefore that: The Turkmen tackle IS and the IS are the Turkmens of the enemy. At the same time no Turkmens are where Erdogan claimed that the Russians "the Turkmen bomb". Who or what will then support or fight there Erdogan? Maybe Putin has indeed right: 
And by whom Erdogan is supported?

On Tuesday evening, Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan had telephoned US President Barack Obama. Both saw the need to de-escalate and to create mechanisms to prevent the recurrence of such incidents, said the Presidency in Ankara. Obama had stressed in the telephone conversation that Turkey have the right to defend its sovereignty "backed by the US and NATO" will.
