Objavljeno Nov 26, 2022
ljudi, jedno moje razmišljanje...
ide već neko vreme ovo hapšenje Tamnih... pa kada su bili likvidirani... pa gde su se sakrili... pa koliko para imaju... pa...
juče sam pričala sa jednim čovekom o tome šta se dešava na brodu Yuma... tamo su suđenja... i ko dolazi tamo... tamo dolaze oni najgori, koji su uradili toliko štete drugima da ih se likvidira...
ja pitam, kako to ide... on kaže... imaju suđenje... uzme se za svakog pola sata ili koliko... kaže im se... uradio si te i te zločine, zato dobijaš smrtnu kaznu... možeš samo da izabereš: "metak u potilje ili injekcija"... nema pravo na advokata, nema posljednja želja... ništa... hitni / vojni sud... čus papa
i ja mislim... svi ti ljudi su imali para kao peska... i šta su radili... samo držali za sebe, sa parama podmitivali druge, radili loše stvari drugim ljudma...
i šta ćeš sada... a toliko para si imao i na kraju možeš da biraš samo između metka i injekcije
a pare idu nama nazad, pa nama su oduzete... i ne samo te pare, sve bogastvo tog sveta, o kome mi pojma nemamo i još dolazi ka nama zlato sa Venere ... bit će to sasvim drukčiji svet, samo treba svi ti Tamni da se pohapse...
uvek ja razmišljam... kako su mogli svi ti ljudi da žive pored ljudi, koji bukvalno nisu imali šta da jedu, a neki od njih beskučnici... nekima se oduzimao stan, jer nisu platili 100 - 1000 eura dugova, a kupio ga je onaj, koji je već imao puno stanova
kako mogu takvi ljudi da funkcionišu ... na niskoj su svesti... a kako to, da ih 90% ljudi podržava... hipnotizirani su u to da ne mogu ništa da se uradi i da je sve, što uradi vlast "u redu"
(db, 26.11.2020)



“Over the next two months (December and January) the last wave of darkness will sweep the earth. This final attempt by the dark will be the deep state’s last stand in trying to regain control of Earth. They'll play their last cards, because they know they've lost, as the reptile's head that was on top of the Pyramid of Darkness has been officially arrested and removed from the Earth. The deep state puppets are running headless right now and they know they have little time before they completely collapse. So they're gonna try in the next 2 months and play every card they had in their plan that they planned to implement long term because they know time is running out. DO NOT BE AFRAID ! There will be no wars, murders and no last great carnage, rather it is an extreme fear and manipulation campaign. They will try to frighten you with all kinds of malice in order to destabilize you, confuse you and make you unable to think clearly or make decisions. Everything in order to make you manipulative and ultimately controlled. GALACTIC FEDERATION OF WORLDS COUNCIL Don’t give in to fear and don’t listen to everything that happens around the world in the next two months! There may be seemingly scary political events, waves of seemingly dangerous organisms, disappointments in the sky. It could be religious attempts in various forms or a new planetary religion. It can be one of those things or all of those things in that sequence, it doesn't matter, it's just irrelevant false propaganda, if you focus your thoughts on your heart, yourself, Inner Peace. There's no reason to fear, because Dominion has fallen, Orion's beehive has been infiltrated, and the entire network that imprisoned you has collapsed, as we recently announced. There is absolutely NOTHING to FEAR, it is only manipulation and deception that will be the source of fear, not relevance. So whatever happens in the world in these two months and until the end of January don't change anything don't change your behavior don't change you decisions don't panic because it will just be pure semantic manipulation . Be the rock, be the Lighthouse in the storm, let the wave come through! The sea will calm down, the clouds will disappear and the Sun will shine again on the whole Earth. Focus on your Awakening, your Ascension, your spiritual development, connect with your Divine Being, your guides, your star families... You are not alone, you are accompanied by billions of brothers and sisters of the stars and together we are a strong oak. in the storm that ignores the howling of the wind, which is only air... More than anything else, in unity and Love, we are invincible and can overcome any storm victoriously. Mary Cecilia Mary Cecilia Ngari