Objavljeno Sep 25, 2022

Luciferianski kult je konroliral družbo tisoč let in vplival na vsak del družbe. Velika resnica: Boga ni mogoče zaustaviti in pravica prihaja.

The precipice is becoming evermore noticeable. Palpable.

We are on a cusp.

A great battle is entering it's crescendo phase.

For those with eyes that truly see, it is very intense to witness, yet the polarities and proverbial lines in the sand are becoming ridiculously increasingly clear.

Evil and unconsciousness can no longer hide, nor is it even trying.

The current mainstream society honed by deeply asleep shadow rulers is showing it's dysfunction and imbalances at an ever increasing intensity.

Coming through most channels which are broadcast the most widely across this realm.

Inversion. Perversion. Deception. Misdirection.

And it has ramped up, via these manipulators.

But know this - Despite their control of most channels of popular information, the ones spitting out this manipulation are actually VERY FEW in numbers. Miniscule.

They HAVE no real power, other than that which we give to them.

Through this endless deception and mind magick double-speak and coercion, they have tricked the masses for millenia into acquiescing their own power and sovereignty.

And they are trying to do it again on a global scale with an almost non stop blitzkrieg of propaganda and mental warfare.

Their last hurrah is their weird obsession with Transhumanism and A.I..

Anything artificial. Non organic. Devoid of spirit. Devoid of God. Devoid of compassion. Devoid of empathy. Devoid of connection. Devoid of life.

And they are in desperation to carry this out, hence the bombardment of these weird agendas and spokespersons pushing and glorifying this aberration to the natural order of creation.

They are ramping up their agendas because they know their time is very short. They know what is coming. What is already underway.

What cannot be stopped.

God is washing through all planes and dimensions. All universes. Galaxies. Stars. Worlds.

God is washing through us. FROM us, as well.

Changing, uplifting the entire frequency of reality.

No matter what the soulless, the artificial throws your way, remain focused on the real.

Remain focused on what is always here, inside of you. What will remain far beyond after this "body" falls away.

Keep recentering into this timeless presence.

Your eternal spirit.

Focus on life, in all it's forms.

CONNECT to this spirit, which moves through all living expressions.

Feel this to your core, into the center of your soul.

Feel the creator behind it all. Within it all. The one who made you. The one inside your heart.

In this space, we remain untouchable, forever.

(Tone Mellard)

Luciferianski kult je konroliral družbo tisoč let in vplival na vsak del družbe. Velika resnica: Boga ni mogoče zaustaviti in pravica prihaja.