Tuktu - Življenje brez Mercatorja, Lidla in Mc'Donaldsa... 4 5 6
Objavljeno Aug 07, 2018

							Aljaški domorodci so avtohtoni prebivalci Aljaske. Vključujejo: Aleute, Inuite, Tlingite, Haidane, Tsimshiane, Eyake in številne kulture severne pokrajine Athabasca. Aljaški domorodcev je približno 119.241 ( popis 2000). Obstaja 229 zvezno priznanih aljaških vasi in pet nepriznanih Tlingit Alaskan indijanskih plemen.
Inuit je splošen izraz za skupino kulturno podobnih avtohtonih ljudstev, ki živijo na arktičnih obalah Aljaske, vzhodnih otokih kanadskega Arktika, Labradorja in obalah Grenlandije
brez ledu. V Eskimskem Inuktitutu, v jeziku Inuitov, "Inuit" pomeni "ljudje". Angleška beseda "Eskimo" je beseda ameriških indijancev, za katero velja, da pomeni "jedec surovega mesa" (čeprav je ta pomen sporen). Mnenje Inuitov je, da je beseda Eskimo žaljiva, vendar je še vedno v splošni rabi in se nanaša na vse pripadnike Eskimskega naroda. V Kanadi je izraz Eskim prišel iz uporabe, ker kanadčani uporabljajo za njih izraz Inuit.
Inuitji so bili tradicionalno lovci in ribiči, ki so se preživljajo z lovom živali iz arktičnega živalskega sveta. Lovili so pretežno  kite, mrože, karibuje in tjulne, pa tudi polarne medvede, moškatna goveda, ptice in druge užitne živali. Arktika ima zelo malo užitne vegetacije, zato so Inuiti svojo prehrano dopolnili z morskimi algami.

							Alaska Natives are the indigenous peoples of Alaska. They include: Aleut, Inuit, Tlingit, Haida, Tsimshian, Eyak,  and a number of Northern Athabasca cultures. Alaskan natives in Alaska number about 119,241 (as of the 2000 census). There are 229 federally recognized Alaskan villages and five unrecognized Tlingit Alaskan Indian tribes.                          Inuit is a general term for a group of culturally similar indigenous peoples inhabiting the Arctic coasts of Alaska, the eastern islands of the Canadian Arctic, Labrador, and the ice-free coasts of Greenland. In Eskimo Inuktitut, the language of the Inuit people, "Inuit" means "the people". The English word "Eskimo" is a Native American word which is widely believed to mean "eater of raw meat" (although this meaning is disputed). Many Inuit consider the word Eskimo offensive, but it is still in general usage to refer to all Eskimo peoples, though it has fallen into disuse throughout Canada, where Canadians use the term Inuit.

The Inuit were traditionally hunters and fishermen, living off of Arctic animal life. They hunted by preference whales, walruses, caribou and seals, although polar bears, musk oxen, birds and any other edible animal might be taken in a pinch. The Arctic has very little edible vegetation, although Inuit did supplement their diet with seaweed.

Tuktu- 4- Snežna palača (Kako zgraditi PRAVI Inuitski iglu)

Tuktu- 4- The Snow Palace (How to build a REAL Inuit igloo)

Tuktu- 5- Igre v zaprtih prostorih (Inuitske ženske in otroške igre)

Tuktu- 5- The Indoor Games (Inuit women's and children's games)

Tuktu- 6- Preizkusi moči (Inuitske moške igre v zaprtem prostoru)

Tuktu- 6- Trials of Strength (Inuit Men's Indoor Games)

Prejšnja: Tuktu - Življenje brez Mecatorja, Lidla in Mc'Donaldsa... 1 2 3

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